Fábio Nave Moreira Joins the Portuguese Fiscal Association
Fábio Nave Moreira joins the Portuguese Fiscal Association.
Fábio Nave Moreira Publishes Paper
Fábio Nave Moreira publishes paper entitled “A oposição à renovação do contrato de arrendamento urbano para fins habitacionais – Ecos da doutrina e da jurisprudência”.
Formação Intensiva Direito dos Contratos de Trabalho
Pedro Ferreira de Sousa will lecture, next 20, 21 and 23 July 2020, on the event “Formação Intensiva – Direito dos Contratos de Trabalho”.
1.º Encontro de Investigadores do Projeto “Economia Colaborativa”
João Nuno Barros will participate, next 6 July 2020, on the event “1.º Encontro de Investigadores do Projeto “Economia Colaborativa””.
Porto Law in FINDE.U – Virtual Career Fair
Porto Law | BMFS will participate, on 17 and 18 june, in FINDE.U – Virtual Career Fair prometed by University of Porto.
Pedro Ferreira de Sousa in Iberian Employment Webinar
Pedro Ferreira de Sousa will participate in an Iberian Employment Webinar regarding the impact of Covid-19.
Pedro Ferreira de Sousa Publishes Monography
Pedro Ferreira de Sousa publishes the fourth edition of the monography “O Procedimento Disciplinar Laboral”.
Pedro Ferreira de Sousa in Webinar
Pedro Ferreira de Sousa will participate in Webinar regarding the impact of Covid-19 in labour relations – Brasil and Portugal
NewsFlash – Telework Regime
Porto Law | BMFS Advogados has prepared a NewsFlash regarding Telework during State of Disaster