Pedro Ferreira de Sousa in Labour Law Iberian Meeting
Pedro Ferreira de Sousa will lecture in the Labour Law Iberian Meeting.

João Nuno Barros Publishes a Book
João Nuno Barros publishes a book entitled “Arbitragem Comercial Internacional – A Escolha do Direito Aplicável ao Mérito do Litígio”.

NewsFlash – Rental Extraordinary Support
Porto Law | BMFS Advogados has prepared a NewsFlash regarding Extraordinary Support in the context of Rental.

NewsFlash – COVID-19 and Community Pharmacy
Porto Law | BMFS Advogados has prepared a NewsFlash regarding Covid-19 and Community Pharmacy

NewsFlash – State of Emergency and Crime of Disobedience
Porto Law | BMFS Advogados has prepared a NewsFlash regarding the State of Emergency and Crime of Disobedience.

NewsFlash – Impact of Covid-19 on Companies
Porto Law | BMFS Advogados has prepared a NewsFlash regarding the Impact of Covid-19 on Companies.

NewsFlash – Temporary Regime of Tax and Social Security Obligations
Porto Law | BMFS Advogados has prepared a NewsFlash regarding the Exceptional and Temporary Regime of Tax and Social Security Obligations set forth in Decree-Law no. 10-F/2020, dated of 26 March.

NewsFlash – New Rules of the “Simplified Lay-Off”
Porto Law | BMFS Advogados has prepared a NewsFlash regarding the New Rules of the Simplified “Lay-Off ” set forth in Decree-Law no. 10-G/2020, dated of 26 March.

Event “O impacto do COVID-19 na vida corrente das Sociedades Comerciais: Perspetiva Societária e Contratual
João Nuno Barros will participate, next 3 April 2020, on the event “The Impact of COVID-19 on the daily routine of commercial companies: Corporate and Contractual Perspectives”.

Iberian Lawyer Labour Awards 2020 – Portugal
BMFS | Porto Law and Pedro Ferreira de Sousa nominated fot the Iberian Lawyer Labour Awards 2020 – Portugal.